Friday, October 14, 2005

Back home in Oxford after a pretty crazy week. Sitting here stuffed to the gills with trifle, champagne and wine and feeling rather smug at the same time. So the big news this week is that after much stress, anxiety and sweaty palms, I took my viva on Thursday and with immediate effect was made a doctor. I've been waiting many years to call myself officially Dr Shock but at last I can. The viva was at 2.00 but the time prior to the interview felt like the clock had stopped. The viva itself was two and a half hours which is pretty normal and it may be that I've blocked out how terrifying it was but my memories now are that it was actually quite an enjoyable experience. Immediately afterwards, I went to the student bar with my supervisor and a few others from the department and was bought a celebratory beer which tasted better than any beer I've had for many many months. My supervisor Nick gave me a great book: 'On the Shoulders of Giants' which is a book of the collected works of Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton and Einstein, edited by Stephen Hawking which I thoroughly look forward to reading. After a decent Indian meal we headed to the Orange Rooms which has become my local in Southampton. A great group of people out, one or two beers and dancing later on to Dexter from the Avalanches. Photos from the night are hopefully to follow but for now, somebody else's photo of Dexter will have to do. A great mix of music from hip-hop to salsa and reggae to klesma and pop! Superb evening.

After all this, I've spent the day doing the minor corrections to my thesis, printing it out and attempting to get it bound which is turning out to be somewhat harder than expected but I shan't bore you with the details. So sitting here now, nicely soused with my godfather Mike. All good!

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