Monday, August 17, 2009

English Postdoc chases the eclipse

This was sent to me from a Hubei journalist who interviewed me during the eclipse in Wuhan. It's now online and in printed form. I haven't been able to track down any photos from the journalists who were taking photos of my slightly strange setup but I'll see if I can find anything online.


荆楚网消息 (楚天都市报) “哪里有日食,哪里就会有我的身影。”昨日上午在黄鹤楼公园,英国帅哥Jon.Shock摆 弄着专业相机,一脸得意地对周围人说。“希腊、俄罗斯、土耳其、西班牙,这些国家我都去过,当然,要不是为了看日食,我才不会去,因为我没有那么多的Money。”29岁的Jon老家在英国牛津,目前在西班牙工作,是个物理学方向的博士后。自从去年在甘肃看过日食后,就惦记着今年7月 22日的日全食。“ 这 可 是500年不遇,并不是每个人都能碰到。”他很早就在网上查询最佳观测地点,最开始他选择在上海,并于一周前从西班牙飞到那里。但后来从天气预报了解,22日当天上海的天气不好,所以Jon赶紧更换地点,乘火车于21日晚到达武汉。
Jon指了指身边的几个同行——德国的john、美国的休斯、法国的巴赫、马来西亚的阿罗约,都是在来汉的火车上碰到的。“他们和我一样疯狂。”(记者王进良 实习生胡幸).

I'll write up a full translation when I have a computer at home (still being fixed in the shop). In the meantime, feel free to google translate. The online version of this article can be found here.

1 comment:

DJ said...

Haahaa, they called you "shuai ge"?